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bard_book_prefixes [2018/02/27 12:17]
ca1a added other book number prefixes
bard_book_prefixes [2018/02/27 12:23] (current)
Line 31: Line 31:
 that appear in BARD. that appear in BARD.
-==Other book number prefixes== +==Not on BARD book number prefixes== 
-  * **BRI** - is a gift collection from the JBI International, not on BARD +  * **BRI** - is a gift collection from the JBI International 
-  * **BRJ** - is a gift collection from the Jewish Guild for the Blind, not on BARD+  * **BRJ** - is a gift collection from the Jewish Guild for the Blind
bard_book_prefixes.1519751864.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/02/27 12:17 by ca1a