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BARD Book Prefixes

The following codes are the new book prefixes that will be used for the new collections added to BARD. These prefixes appear in BARD, Voyager, download reports issued to the network, and MARC record sets distributed to the network.

Digital talking-book number prefixes:

  • DB - General collection digital talking books
  • DBF - Special foreign library collection digital talking books
  • DBM - Music collection (music appreciation and instruction) digital talking books
  • DBE - Gifts or special acquisitions (hypothetical) and which might be BARD only

Digital braille-book number prefixes:

  • BR - General collection digital braille
  • BRM - Music collection digital braille
  • BRF - Special foreign library collection digital braille
  • BRE - electronic only braille (BARD only)
  • BRA/BRX - gift, purchased (e.g., from RNIB) and older braille that are held in limited quantities at one or both of the multistate centers, a select few may be available on BARD

Network library book numbers

There are currently forty-three network libraries that have locally produced books in the International Union Catalog. The book numbers are assigned by the cooperating libraries, and there is no standard convention used in the network. Too many new book-number prefixes may be confusing in a service designed primarily for the general readership (BARD), so this policy groups the locally produced books of different network libraries together under the common prefixes below. The alternative would be dozens of new prefixes in BARD. Voyager records will reference the original local book number in addition to the newly assigned number used in BARD.

Locally produced network books

Full MARC records for locally produced network books in BARD will be made available for network libraries. The original network library book numbers will be included in MARC records in a specially defined MARC field along with the CMLS code of the contributing library. This will allow contributing libraries to map the original numbers to the new NLS-assigned book numbers.

Network library book number prefixes:

  • DBN - Network digital talking books that have passed MSCE QA
  • DBC - All other network produced digital talking books. This could conceivably also be used for digital talking books from other external agencies.
  • BRC - Network (and, again, possibly other external agency) digital braille

In order to reliably identify magazine issues in download statistical reports, magazine issues will use the above prefixes. The rest of the magazine number will consist of the CMLS code and issue date, comprising the year, month, and, for weeklies, the day of the issue (e.g., DB NAT7_2011-06-06). New CMLS codes will be created for the locally produced magazines that appear in BARD.

Other book number prefixes

  • BRI - is a gift collection from the JBI International, not on BARD
  • BRJ - is a gift collection from the Jewish Guild for the Blind, not on BARD
bard_book_prefixes.1519751864.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/27 12:17 by ca1a