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wiki:understanding_the_dokuwiki_toolbar [2013/02/22 17:45]
wiki:understanding_the_dokuwiki_toolbar [2013/04/08 18:20] (current)
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 ===== Understanding the DokuWiki Toolbar ===== ===== Understanding the DokuWiki Toolbar =====
 |              ^ Toolbar button               ^ syntax          ^Windows keyboard shortcut  ^Example    ^       |              ^ Toolbar button               ^ syntax          ^Windows keyboard shortcut  ^Example    ^      
-^ Bold Text| {{:bold.png?40?nolink|}} | <code>**</code>|Alt + Shift + b|**Bold Text**| +^ Bold Text| {{:bold.png|}} | <code>**</code>|Alt + Shift + b|**Bold Text**| 
-^ Italic| {{:italics.png?40?nolink|s}} | <code>//</code>|Alt + Shift + i|//Italic Text//| +^ Italic| {{:italics.png}} | <code>//</code>|Alt + Shift + i|//Italic Text//| 
-^ Underline| {{:underlined.png?40?nolink|s}} | <code>__</code>|Alt + Shift + u|__Underlined Text__| +^ Underline| {{:underlined.png}} | <code>__</code>|Alt + Shift + u|__Underlined Text__| 
-^ Code Text| {{:tt.png?40?nolink|}} | <code>'' text ''</code>|Alt + Shift + c| ''Code Text''+^ Code Text| {{:tt.png}} | <code>'' text ''</code>|Alt + Shift + c| ''Code Text''
-^ Strike-through| {{:strike_through.png?40?nolink|}} | |Alt + Shift + d|<del>Strike-through Text</del>+^ Strike-through| {{:strike_through.png}} | |Alt + Shift + d|<del>Strike-through Text</del>
-^ Same Level Headline| {{:same_level_headline.png?40?nolink|}} | |Alt + Shift + 8| | +^ Same Level Headline| {{:same_level_headline.png}} | |Alt + Shift + 8| | 
-^ Lower Headline| {{:lower_headline.png?40?nolink|}} | |Alt + Shift + 9| | +^ Lower Headline| {{:lower_headline.png}} | |Alt + Shift + 9| | 
-^ Higher Headline| {{:higher_headline.png?40?nolink|}} | | |  | +^ Higher Headline| {{:higher_headline.png}} | | |  | 
-^ Select Headline| {{:headline.png?40?nolink|}} | ===== headline===== |Alt + Shift + 1 (2,3,4,5)|<code>=== Level 4 Headline ===</code>+^ Select Headline| {{:headline.png}} | ===== headline===== |Alt + Shift + 1 (2,3,4,5)|<code>=== Level 4 Headline ===</code>
-^ Internal Link| {{:internal_link.png?40?nolink|}} | <code>[[Internal Link]]</code>| Alt + Shift + l|[[wiki:how_to_create_a_page?nolink|How to create a page]]| +^ Internal Link| {{:internal_link.png}} | <code>[[Internal Link]]</code>| Alt + Shift + l|[[wiki:how_to_create_a_page?nolink|How to create a page]]| 
-^ External Link| {{:external_link.png?40?nolink|}} | <code>[[url|alternative text]]</code> |[[http://lbphwiki@aadl.org|]] +^ External Link| {{:external_link.png}} | <code>[[url|alternative text]]</code> |[[http://lbphwiki@aadl.org|]] 
-^ Ordered List Item| {{:ordered_list_item.png?40?nolink|}} | two spaces and a dash (-)|Alt + Shift + -|  - Ordered List Item| +^ Ordered List Item| {{:ordered_list_item.png}} | two spaces and a dash (-)|Alt + Shift + -|  - Ordered List Item| 
-^ Unordered List Item| {{:non_ordered_list_item.png?40?nolink|}} | two spaces and an asterisk (*) | Alt + Shift + .|  * Unordered List Item| +^ Unordered List Item| {{:non_ordered_list_item.png}} | two spaces and an asterisk (*) | Alt + Shift + .|  * Unordered List Item| 
-^ Horizontal Rule| {{:horizontal_rule.png?40?nolink|}} | | | | +^ Horizontal Rule| {{:horizontal_rule.png}} | | | | 
-^ Add Images and Other Files| {{:add_files.png?40?nolink|}} | | | | +^ Add Images and Other Files| {{:add_files.png}} | | | | 
-^ Smiles| {{:smilies.png?40?nolink|}} | | |8-)| +^ Smiles| {{:smilies.png}} | | |8-)| 
-^ Special Characters| {{:special_characters.png?40?nolink|}} | | |☎| +^ Special Characters| {{:special_characters.png}} | | |☎| 
-^ Insert Signature| {{:insert_signature.png?40?nolink|}} | |Alt + Shift + y| |+^ Insert Signature| {{:insert_signature.png}} | |Alt + Shift + y| |
wiki/understanding_the_dokuwiki_toolbar.1361573120.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/02/22 17:45 by admin