Southern Conference Resolutions: Pittsburgh, PA 2013

Resolution: The Southern Conference of Librarians Serving the Blind and Physically Handicapped thanks Kathi Kappel and her staff for organizing and hosting the first Tri-regional conference and for welcoming the South along with the Northern and Midlands regions.

NLS Response: NLS concurs.

Resolution: The Southern Conference congratulates the following members on their recent or upcoming retirement, recognizes and thanks them for their contributions, and wishes them the best of luck in their future endeavors:

  • Pamela J. Brown, Virginia Beach VA. Pamela served as Secretary for SCLBPH for the past 4 years.
  • Jerry Reynolds, Jacksonville FL. Jerry served as President of SCLBPH 2007-2009.
  • Linda Stokes, Savannah GA. Linda has served as Treasurer of SCLBPH for 15 years.

NLS Response: NLS concurs.

Resolution: On behalf of our patrons, the Southern Conference heartily commends NLS for the following recent developments which make it easier for users to find and enjoy the reading materials they want:

  • Merging Web-Braille with BARD and adding enhanced features
  • Transitioning magazines from cassette to digital cartridge
  • Creating an app to download and play NLS materials on smartphones and tablets.

NLS Response: Thank you.

Resolution: The Southern Conference applauds NLS for implementing the Multistate Center duplication on demand program, which allows libraries with financial or logistical limitations to make a wider variety of reading material available to patrons who do not have access to BARD.

NLS Response: Thank you.

Resolution: In order to further enhance service to our patrons, regardless of changes to the USPS or a patron’s ability to download from BARD, the Southern Conference encourages NLS to actively investigate and pursue the ability to use wireless technology for network libraries to remotely load reading materials onto a patron’s player.

NLS Response: The supply of audiobook files without physical media from NLS to the patron will be available via BARD. The thrust of this resolution relates to the provision by NLS of wireless hardware and Internet service to patrons. The Materials Development Division is exploring the development of the next generation of player. This device will have Wi-Fi capability, but the ultimate method of delivery of data to the patrons’ home from NLS is yet to be determined. In all likelihood, a multitude of electronic delivery methods will need to be supported. All methods chosen must be reliable and require minimal setup complexity if the technical support burden by libraries is not to be excessive.

Resolution: Because NLS is only able to record or braille a small percentage of books published, patrons frequently request materials that are not currently available via the NLS network. The Southern Conference requests that NLS develop an online system for network libraries to submit and view such patron requests, and for NLS to use as a tool in selecting books to produce.

NLS Response: This will be considered. In the meantime, the NLS Collection Development Section staff has established a special request e-mail address,, and, as always, pays close attention to e-mail addressed to particular staff members from patrons and libraries. Network consultants are also happy to forward suggestions to the Collection Development Section.

Resolution: In light of rapidly changing technology and the wide variety of network library expertise in the field, the Southern Conference requests NLS institute a single online tool that will allow NLS network members to register and view suggestions for enhancements and improvements to the network’s information technology systems, including BARD, the online union catalog, the network services website, CMLS, BPHICS, and other systems used by the network.

NLS Response: This will be considered. In the interim contact your network consultant with questions.

southern_conference_resolutions_pittsburgh_pa_2013.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/16 13:47 by admin