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playground:playground [2013/06/06 14:29]
playground:playground [2024/11/21 12:29] (current)
fl1a old revision restored (2023/03/09 15:41)
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-====== Playground ====== +{{:playground:wonderful_view.jpg?400|}}====== PlayGround ====== 
-Welcome to the Playground! Go ahead, practice!\\  +'''Picture from inside the Library of Congress Great Hall, looking out towards the Capitol building...'''<tt><tt>Monospaced Text</tt>= Level 1 Headline = 
- +</tt
-===== New Headline ===== + ---
-{{:mi1b_fun.docx|FUN DOCUMENT}} +
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-====== Level 1 Headline ====== +
-This is an example of a Level 1 HeadlineLevel 1 Headlines are most commonly used as a wiki page titles.\\  +
-Line Breaks (backslash backslash space) are not required after Headlines.\\  +
- +
-====Level 2 Headline ===== +
-A Level 2 Headline used after a Level 1 Headline may be a sub-topic of the Level 1 topic.\\  +
-The indentation applied to a headline is also applied to the text that follows.\\  +
-**Ordered (numbered) Lists:**\\  +
-  - item--here is more information on item 1 +
-  - item +
-  - item +
-  - Line Breaks (backslash backslash space) are not required after list items. +
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-**Unordered (bullet-ed) Lists:**\\  +
-  * item +
-  * item +
-  * item  +
-  * Line Breaks (backslash backslash space) are not required after list items. +
- +
-=== Level 4 Headline === +
-This is an example of text that follows a Level 4 Headline.\\  +
-Tables of Content do not provide navigation links to Level 4 Headlines.\\  +
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-== Level 5 Headline == +
-This is an example of text that follows a Level 5 Headline.\\  +
-Tables of Content do not provide navigation links to Level 5 Headlines.\\  +
- +
-====== The Wiki Toolbar: ====== +
-Select and item by either double-clicking or clicking and dragging then click on a tool in the wiki toolbar to apply formatting. Hover the mouse pointer over the top of each tool to see tool names.\\  +
-  * **Bold** +
-  * //Italics// +
-  * __Underlined__ +
-  * <del>Strike-through</del>  +
-  * External Link [[http://www.google.com]] +
-  * External Link to Email [[bickfordt@aadl.org]] +
-  * Internal Link to another wiki page [[:lbph-nl_wiki_how_tos_faqs|How To and FAQs]]  +
-  * Special Characters ☛ +
-  * Smilies 8-+
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-Horizontal Rule +
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-====== Topic One ====== +
-**text**\\  +
-__text__\\  +
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-====== Uploading Files ====== +
-{{:grumpy_cat.png?nolink|}}\\  +
-{{:mi1b_test.doc|Test Document}}\\  +
-{{:mi1b_fun.docx|Mi1b fun training document}} +
- +
-====== Linking ====== +
-  * Link to an external website: [[http://www.aadl.org|Website]] +
-  * Link to another wiki page: [[:testing|Testing]] +
- +
- +
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- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
playground/playground.1370543358.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/06 14:29 by mi1b