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Midlands Committee Assignments

Advisory Committee and Ad Hoc Groups

Collection Development Advisory Group (CDAG)


Katherine Schneider
222 McKinley Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Appointed: ?

Children’s/Young Adult

Purpose: The Collection Development Advisory Group provides guidance to NLS staff in its collection development activities, indicating areas for current and future development and identifying those areas to be considered of highest priority. It also provides guidance on collection development policy and procedures for NLS in particular and the service network in general.
Composition: The group is composed to provide advice from the broadest range of persons concerned with the NLS collection. Appointments of network library and reader representatives are made at the annual regional meetings, either at the national biennial conference or the regional conference meetings in the alternate years. Consumer group representatives are appointed by the respective groups. The Collection Development Section sends each regional chairperson and each consumer group a reminder to notify NLS of appointments made to the NLS Collection Development Advisory Group. Current members.

  • Network Library Representatives, one designated by each regional conference, represent all the network libraries and readers in their region at the annual group meeting at NLS. The term of appointment is two years. Representatives provide a written report in advance of the Advisory Group meeting, consolidating and summarizing data from the region to be used at the basis for the Group's discussions and recommendations. This data reflects information obtained from all regional and subregional libraries within the region and from correspondence, surveys, and discussions with readers.
  • A Network Librarian, designated by NLS and serving a two-year term, serves as children's and young adult services representative on the Advisory Group.
  • Consumer Group Representatives are designated, one each, by the National Federation of the Blind, the American Council of the Blind, and Blinded Veterans Association. The term of service is at the discretion of the organization; however, a two-year term is recommended. These members are expected to represent the interests of their organizations in responding to the data presented. They bring to the Advisory Group's attention developing trends in reading needs or interests that require exploration in collection-building activities.
  • Reader Representatives, one designated by each regional conference, serve a two-year term. These members respond as concerned individuals to the data presented. They communicate with as many other users in their region as possible and reflect their needs and interests.

Procedures: The group meets once a year, usually at NLS in the late spring, from Wednesday morning through noon on Friday. The first morning is devoted to orientation, so the group enters into its deliberations with a complete understanding of the selection and production process. Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday are devoted to the Advisory Group's discussion and deliberation, during which they prepare recommendations, in order of priority. Friday morning the Advisory Group meets with NLS staff to present their recommendations. Travel and per diem expenses are paid by NLS.

Reading Technology Advisory Group


Patron Representative
Roosevelt Perkins
255 Mill St Apt 214
Excelsior, MN 55331-1965
(952) 486-8004
Appointed: May 2012

Purpose: The National Audio Equipment Advisory Committee provides recommendations to NLS staff for improving available machines and accessories and in planning new equipment.

Composition: The committee is composed of a broad range of persons concerned with design, distribution, operation, and maintenance of playback equipment and accessories provided by NLS. Consumer organizations appoint user representatives. Northern and Western regions each appoint an additional consumer representative in odd-numbered years; Southern and Midlands regions each appoint an additional consumer representative in even-numbered years. The NLS equipment and materials maintenance coordinator appoints a Telephone Pioneer from each region, with the advice and consent of the network library regional conference chairpersons. Each chairperson of the network library regional conferences appoints one network librarian. Representatives on this committee serve for two years.

Procedures: Members of this committee receive information about equipment available in the program and about plans for additional equipment with new design features. In addition to providing occasional written and telephone responses to NLS requests for comments on equipment concerns, the committee meets once each year at NLS. They discuss patron needs with NLS staff and make recommendations for improvement of playback equipment and accessories. Costs for attending this meeting are paid by NLS, and sufficient notice is given to allow members to plan for the trip.

Public Education Advisory Committee

Toni Harrell
Dana Carter
Kansas State Library
Kansas Talking Books Regional Library
ESU Memorial Union
1200 Commercial, Box 4055
Emporia, KS 66801-5087
(620) 341-6280
Appointed: January 2012

Purpose: A national Public Education Advisory Group is convened when needed to review planning for NLS-produced radio and television announcements and other audiovisual materials prepared for the general public. The group's mission is to evaluate the materials before final development and distribution via network libraries.

Composition: Each national group for public education includes but is not limited to representatives of such consumer groups and agencies as the American Council of the Blind, The American Foundation for the Blind, Blinded Veterans Association, the Disabled American Veterans, the National Association of the Physically Handicapped, the National Federation of the Blind, the Paralyzed Veterans of America, and the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, and the NLS network libraries.

Procedures: The work of each group is coordinated by the NLS Publications and Media Section, which contacts appropriate groups to request designation of members when a group is required. The Publications and Media Section assures that representatives are notified of meetings, prepares agendas and draft materials, conducts meetings, and follows through on the group's recommendations via administrative channels.

midlands_committee_assignments.1450367778.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/17 10:56 by admin