Audition Evaluator (AZ1A)

JOB TITLE: Audition Evaluator

PURPOSE: Assists the special services staff of Arizona Braille and Talking Book Library to select the best volunteer narrators available. Volunteer narrators record books of local interest that become part of the circulating collection of the library.

DESCRIPTION: An evaluator listens to audition tapes and renders independent, objective, critical assessment. An evaluator uses a standard evaluation form and rates each audition in all categories listed on the form. An evaluator provides assessment in written or recorded form to the special services staff. Generally 5-6 assessments are considered when the special services staff decides to accept or not accept an audition.


  • Very good hearing.
  • A love of reading.
  • Skill in objective evaluation.
  • Ability to clearly relay information to staff.
  • Ability to work with cassette tapes.

Experience in some communication discipline; speech, dramatic arts, education, literature, radio, or choral work or music is desirable.


  • Two hours of listening to books currently in the Arizona Collection to be exposed to narrators with demonstrated ability.
  • Review of National Library Service criteria for narration.
  • Listen to a training tape and independently evaluate five auditions followed by discussion with special services staff.


RESPONSIBLE TO: Volunteer Manager

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