Midlands Meeting Minutes 2012

2012 NLS Conference
Midlands Conference Business Meeting

Newport, Rhode Island
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Meeting Call to order at 4:32 p.m. by Midlands Chair, Catherine Durivage (MN)

I. Roll Call (Accomplished via sign-in sheet)

Chair: Catherine A. Durivage
Vice-Chair: vacant
Treasurer: Scott Norris
Secretary: Patrice Johnson
Members present: Steven Rinker (KS), Annette Toews (MN), Erin Byrne (OK), Sue Chinault (MI), Jill Brummett (OK), Paul Adams (OK), Richard Smith (MO), Will Reed (OH), Vanessa Morris (MI), Dori Middleton (MI), Terry Soave (MI), Toni Harrell (KS), Maggie Ansty (IN), Sharon Ruda (IL), Linda Vincent (WI), Tim West (IA), Randy Langrebe (IA), Karen Odean (IL), Deborah Taylor (IL), Anne Mandel (MI), and Tracy Grimm (OH).

II. Minutes from 2011
Motion to approve minutes (Catherine)
Motion seconded (Scott)
Motion passed

III. Treasurer’s Report
Midlands Treasurer, Scott Norris gave the report. No disbursements since last year’s report. The current balance $9,792.94. We may use some funds for the upcoming regional conference. Catherine stated that in the past money was generated through the newsletter subscriptions to offset cost of regional conference but a great majority was from Illinois LSTA funds.

IV. Old Business

Catherine explained that Midlands needs to make a decision of how money in the future will be raised to defray the cost and subsidize the cost of holding a conference. But it has been a little difficult to raise funds via the newsletter consistently from all members due to local policies. Ideas are needed on how we should continue to support the raising of funds for the Midlands Conference and what should be do with the funds we have currently. Annette (MN) wanted to know approximately how much funds are needed to conduct a conference. Catherine replied that if we were conducting the conference without any other regional – $10,000 is not enough. Sharon (IL) stated the reason we have $9,000 in the bank is because of the conference in Springfield paid for itself. A member asked if an increase in the registration fee for future conferences would discourage attendance and the response from several members was no it would not. Catherine summarized the key issues, first should we continue the newslsetter as a means of disseminating information. If the subscription is not paid by everyone, should we continue it? Perhaps the best solution would be to continue to charge a registration fee to support future conferences. But if we change the registration fee all three regional conferences will have to agree to do so and presently Southern does not charge a registration fee. Richard inquired why Midlands didn’t pay a percentage of the last conference. Toni (Kansas) explained that was what we did last year with the funds for the last conference. The cost was divided evenly between the two regions and subsequently Midlands charged a registration fee to cover the cost. Sharon Ruda explained that the reason for the fund is to have an account to use for holding hotel rooms, etc.

Fund Balance
Catherine moved on to the second issue to explore: Should we continue to add to the fund? Sharon (Illinois) said yes we should maintain it to support the continuance of the Midlands Conference in the future. Toni (Kansas) further explain the need to maintain the fund because if we have to go back to hosting our conference on our own we will need this fund. Catherine the conference registration should offset the cost of the conference as much as possible. Catherine proposed that we suspend the subscription coast for the next year. Next the discussion focused how to make the newsletter more dynamic and useful. The decision was made to assign one state, one month to post a discussion question or topic to the Midlands listserv to foster the sharing of ideas and communication among members. Further explanation: It will be an informal discussion related to a topic posted by a member of Midlands. It will start in July and Catherine will send a reminder to the group.

V. New Business

Committee Members – new appointments. Two new Midlands appointments to NLS Committees including:

Committee Reports
The Collection Development Committee did not meet. The National Equipment Advisory Committee did meet and Sharon Ruda (Illinois) attended. Sharon posted her notes from the meeting to the Midlands listserv.

Midlands sponsored Wiki, Open forum, etc. – Discussion
Catherine explained that the idea for a Midlands sponsored wiki and open forum was birthed out of the successful online meetings (webEX platform) held for planning the Midlands NLS Conference presentation. The group discussed how the use of technology tools open up meaningful of dialogue and dissemination of information as well as better collaboration. Catherine thinks Midlands should sponsor open dialog discussion on timely topics that affect the network. Terry Soave shared how she has a wiki at her library that is a tremendously helpful tool for sharing information Catherine would be willing to host the wiki via the Minnesota library and she has access to the WebEx platform for hosting online meetings. Everyone in general thought a wiki and the online meetings was a great idea and would be very beneficial. Catherine will solicit more ideas from the LBPH listserv for the wiki and online meetings. The first online meeting should discuss the feasibility of the wiki.

2013 Midlands Conference – Pittsburgh, PA
The dates for the next Midlands Conference are Tuesday, May 7, 2013 through Thursday, May 9, 2013 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The hotel rate is $139.00. The conference will combine Northern, Southern and Midlands and the preconference session as not been determined yet.

VI. Resolutions
Next, members proposed and refined resolutions to submit to NLS. Resolutions listed below.

VII. Other
The discussion turned to the election of officers. Elections due for Vice-chair, Treasurer and Secretary. Subsequent nominations:

1st Nomination - Randy Langrebe (IA)
Nominated by Richard Smith (MO)
Seconded by Linda Vincent (WI)
2nd Nomination – Sharon Ruda (IL)
Nominated by Toni Harrell (KS)
Seconded by Patrice Johnson (IL)

1st Nomination – Scott Norris
Nominated by Sharon Ruda (IL)
Seconded by Toni Harrell (KS)

Patrice Johnson will continue as secretary.

The vote for Vice-chair will be conducted online via Survey Monkey post-conference.

Further discussion of remaining business:
Catherine explained that the new Vice-chair will need to work on creating official Midlands bylaws and guidelines to handle future business meetings for the purposes of transitioning to new leadership. Ann Mandel will be filing the articles of incorporation on a yearly basis now that Beverly Babcott has retired.

No further business to discuss. Toni Harwell moved to adjourn the meeting, Randy Langrebe seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.

2012 Midlands Conference Resolutions:

The Midlands Conference Members resolve to thank Andrew Egan and the staff of the Rhode Island Talking Books Plus for their efforts as the host site for the 2012 NLS Conference of Librarians serving the Blind and Physically Handicapped.

Midlands Conference Members resolve to thank MaryBeth Wise and Joel Phillips for their all their conference planning and organization. It was another successful conference.

The Midlands Conference Members resolve to congratulate Karen Keninger on her appointment as NLS Library Director. We welcome your leadership and look forward to working with you to expand and improve library services.

The Midlands Conference Members resolve to thank the Viking Hotel and their staff for their gracious service and wonderful accommodations.

The Midlands Conference Members resolve to thank Keystone Systems, Inc. for the lovely reception at the Newport Art Museum.

The Midlands Conference Members resolve to thank all conference presenters for providing informative, enlightening and entertaining presentations.

The Midlands Conference Members resolve to thank all retired and retiring Midlands network library staff, including, but not limited to Beverly Babcock (Michigan), Jim Buchman (Oklahoma), Kathy Kelto (Michigan) and William Graczyk (Wisconsin). Their dedication and contributions to this service is deeply appreciated.

The Midlands Conference Members recommend that NLS consider allowing network libraries to take 3% of their copy allotment in blank cartridges either in full case lots or added as a percentage to each state's interlibrary quota allotment available through the Multistate Centers.Network libraries will be required to erase all their locally-produced content and copy-protection software for any cartridge returned during a recall.

The Midlands Conference Members recommend NLS research a design for a portable, inexpensive, refreshable braille display to be used with web-braille materials.

The Midlands Conference Members recommend that network libraries be given the option to order XESS cards as needed through the Multistate Centers.

The Midlands Conference Members recommend that series be completed regardless of negative reviews.

The Midlands Conference Members recommend that NLS add more religious fiction and romance fiction without sex.

The Midlands Conference Members recommend the NLS remove the requirement that an Advisory/Outreach Center (AOC) be a subregional library first. In addition, the Midlands Conference Members recommend that regional libraries have to option to determine work flow processes at each AOC.

The Midlands Conference Members request that the NLS consultant biennial visit questionnaire be an online refillable form.

The Midlands Conference Members request that documentation from Network Library of the Year Award and the Network Subregional Library of the Year Award applications and supporting materials be made public so other network libraries can emulate the award winner’s “excellence, innovation, and special achievement in providing library service to blind and physically handicapped individuals“.

The Midlands Conference Members request that NLS support by means of approval, the Midlands development of a LBPH Network Libraries Wiki, an online repository for shared network library-generated information to be presented at the 2013 Midlands/Northern/Southern combined conference in Pittsburgh, PA. Potential content may include, but not be limited to: Midlands, Northern, Southern, and Western conference portals for storing meeting schedules, agendas, minutes, and resolutions; automation system portals for storing user-guides and updates; staffing support in the form of training tools and resources; outreach strategies, demographics, partnerships, and programs; examples of documentation supporting NLS standards such as local policies, patron correspondence, and patron satisfaction surveys; readers' advisory; Braille services and resources; youth services and resources; digital duplication and local recording; Loblolly updates; assistive technologies; and supplemental support services and resources.

Midlands Conference members request the NLS to institute a reexamination of the reading disability eligibility requirements, 36 CFR 701.6(b), in light of currently accepted medical understandings and practices. The Library of Congress is the federal authority charged with promulgating eligibility regulations, see 17 U.S.C. § 121(d)(2) and 2 U.S.C. § 135a. The National Library Service/Library of Congress is the appropriate authority to undertake a review to ensure its implementing regulations are current, taking into account medical advances in understanding and diagnosing reading disabilities that have occurred since medical experts were last consulted in 1974.

The Midlands Conference Members request a response to all regional resolutions within three months of receipt.

Midlands Conference Members request NLS supply additional blue mailing containers for network libraries able to purchase blank cartridges to duplicate needed books off BARD. (Would defray some costs; somehow distinguished/marked from standard NLS blue container so we can retrieve our mint green cartridges to reuse.)