Demographic Survey
DC public library was pilot test location for survey – found out it was too long. Revised so that online or phone takes 20 – 30 minutes to complete. Survey contractors (ICF International) were at DC during testing to make note of any problems users had. Made sure it works with JAWS and Window Eyes.
There are specific questions for different groups. Some answers lead to a “tree” of more questions.
Ready to go live March 11 and will end in June.
NLS wants a variety of current patrons included; have selected a random sampling from CMLS. Each library will receive a list of patrons who will receive a large print letter inviting them to take survey online or via telephone. Letter will be followed up with phone call. Library will need to provide phone # and/or email addresses for patrons on the list. The number of patrons will be proportionally small, depending on how many patrons the library serves.
NLS appreciates help in getting groups involved – for example a Macular Degeneration Society never heard of NLS.
If patron prefers telephone, they call a toll-free # to take survey with a real live person. May have to make an appt. for a survey time.
2 survey websites: Patron survey site is; interested parties and organizations encouraged to participate at
Questions range from technology to problems with service to how to encourage use. Want to reach non-users to find out why they do not use NLS.
NLS: Braille Summit – June 19-21 at Perkins
NLS has had informal conversations with possible speakers
NLS Bulletin next week or so – it’s an open invitation to attend.
NLS: Budget
Sequestration deadline March 1. All agencies will have to make cuts, but the big issue is how much flexibility will be allowed in deciding where to make cuts within each department.
NLS reductions will most likely come from book budget.
NLS: Questions
Has NLS considered using RFID tags on cartridges? It was discussed during development stage of digital transition, but no one could remember the reason they did not pursue it. Do bar codes on cartridges serve same purpose? Utah regional using RFID on books.
NLS sent Operations Alert soliciting suggestions for possible conference topics attendees would like in 2014. Also interested in possible topics regions may want to use for the programs they sponsor or present.
NLS travel requests for May and June must be submitted by March 12. Danielle will provide NLS staff with Western Conference information; Northern/Midlands/Southern conference info was posted last week to LBPH listserv. NLS not sure if all regional or subregional librarians are on that list, may need to use alternate methods to distribute info.