===== Vendors ===== ==== Barcode Scanners ==== **Barcode Planet**\\ PO Box 0776\\ Chicago, IL 60690\\ Fax: (888) 883-8480\\ Direct: (312) 582-4842\\ Toll Free: (888) 875-7373 Ext. 4842\\ Contact: mbove@barcodeplanet.com\\ [[http://www.barcodeplanet.com|www.barcodeplanet.com]]\\ We use a cordless Motorola LI4278 and a corded Symbol LS4208.\\ Information provided by KY1A\\ ==== Digital Cartridges ==== **Alcor Technology Corporation**\\ 9650 Business Center Dr, Suite 108\\ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730\\ (909) 758-0933\\ Contact: Susan Weatherton, SusanW@alcormicro.com\\ Information provided by KY1A\\ **Perkins School for the Blind**\\ 175 North Beacon Street\\ Watertown, MA 02472\\ 617-924-3434\\ Info@Perkins.org\\ Cartridges (4, 8 and 16GB capacity), Cartridge Containers, Cartridge Cables, Talking Book Player Travel Cases, Hindenburg Software and Earphones for the talking book player. Items can be purchased on Amazon via the product portal:[[http://www.perkins.org/nls|www.perkins.org/nls]] For cartridges purchases for quantities of over 100 contact: Kim Charlson\\ (617) 972-7249\\ kim.charlson@perkins.org\\ Special Large Quantity Cartridge Pricing Below is the cartridge pricing for quantities of 100 or more: 4 Gigabyte Cartridges =$6.25 8 Gigabyte Cartridges = $7.20 16 Gigabyte Cartridges = $7.55 ==== Digital Cartridge Mailing Containers ==== **LC Industries**\\ 4500 Emperor Blvd\\ Durham, NC 27703\\ Tel: (919) 596-8277\\ Fax: (919) 598-1179\\ Contact: Kay Griffin\\ Customer Service Representative\\ [[http://www.buylci.com|www.buylci.com]]\\ (877) 524-4722 x2173\\ LC Industries\\ TAG by L C Industries\\ Toll Free: (888) 890-1199 x2173\\ Fax: (919) 941-5195\\ Information provided by KY1A\\ **Perkins School for the Blind**\\ 175 North Beacon Street\\ Watertown, MA 02472\\ 617-924-3434\\ Info@Perkins.org\\ [[http://www.perkins.org/nls|www.perkins.org/nls]] ==== Labels ==== **Taylor Communications** (formerly Standard Register)\\ Ed Fors – Business Development Representative\\ 600 Albany Street, Dayton, OH 45417\\ Office: 937.221.2229 | Fax: 937.913.3372\\ ed.fors@taylorcommunications.com\\ http://www.taylorcommunications.com\\ **Bay Tech Label, Inc.**\\ 12177 28th St. N.\\ St. Petersburg, FL 33716\\ 800-229-8321\\ 727-572-9311 (Local)\\ 727-572-8345 (Fax)\\ www.BayTechLabel.com\\ **Reliance Label Solutions, Inc.** \\ Diane M. Peterson \\ Senior Account Manager \\ (866) 749-1555 Toll Free \\ (913) 764-1569 Fax \\ e-mail: dpeterson @ reliancelabel.com \\ http://www.RelianceLabel.com\\ **Perkins School for the Blind**\\ 175 North Beacon Street\\ Watertown, MA 02472\\ 617-924-3434\\ Info@Perkins.org\\ [[http://www.perkins.org/nls|www.perkins.org/nls]]\\ $100 per box of 500 sheets (10 labels per sheet) and quantity discounts are available. ==== Mail Card Burster ==== Formax FD 500 Heavy Duty Table Top Burster w/stand\\ Information provided by KY1A\\ ==== Mail Card Printers ==== Printronix P7215\\ Purchased from: IntegraServ\\ 7339 West Friendly Ave, Suite A\\ Greensboro, NC 27410\\ (800) 233-1474\\ (336) 547-1410\\ Sales contact: Rex Welch, RexWelch@integraserv.com\\ NOTE: This is a line matrix printer and it does not work well with WebReads!\\ Information provided by KY1A\\ ==== Mail Card Stock ==== **GIS—Graphic Information Systems, Inc.**\\ PO Box 37958\\ Cincinnati, OH 45222-0958\\ (513) 948-1300\\ [[http://www.graphicinfo.com|www.graphicinfo.com]]\\ Contact: Mary Young, myoung@GRAPHICINFO.COM\\ Information provided by KY1A\\ ==== Outreach Material ==== **ASMS Products/Sales & Marketing Strategies, Inc.**\\ 122 Ponce DeLeon St., \\ Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411-1213\\ 800.329.3650 \\ [[http://www.LogoItemsNow.com|www.LogoItemsNow.com]]\\ Contact: Leta Roberts, leta@LogoItemsNow.com\\ 20/20 Pens, signature guides, duo pen/highlighters\\ Information provided by PA1A\\