===== Policies ===== \\ **Complete Policy Manuals** * [[http://www.aadl.org/aboutus/policies/manual|Ann Arbor District Library Policy Manual (WLBPD@AADL)(MI1B)]] **Philosophical Statements**\\ \\ \\ **Materials Selection and Access**\\ *{{::braille_policy_c01a.doc|Braille Policy (CO1A)}} *{{::collec_devel_policy_c01a.doc|Collection Development Policy (CO1A)}} *{{::collection_maint_policy_co1a.doc| Collection Maintenance Policy (CO1A) }} *{{::donated_cartridge_policy_co1a.docx|Donated Cartridge Policy (CO1A)}} *{{::donation_of_goods_policy_co1a.doc|Donation of Goods Policy (CO1A)}} \\ **Circulation**\\ * {{::interlibrary_loan_policy_c01a.doc|Interlibrary Loan Policy (CO1A)}} * {{::loan_period_policy_c01a.doc|Loan Period Policy (CO1A)}} \\ **Facilities use by the Public**\\ \\ \\ **Patron Behavior**\\ * {{::misuse_of_service_co1a.doc|Misuse of Service Policy (CO1A)}} * [[SAMPLE Patron Rules of Behavior (in public sectors of the library) (MI1B)]] * {{::reading_room_california_state_library_rules.docx|SAMPLE Rules (in public sectors of the library) (CA1A)}} * {{::statement_of_copyright_co1a.docx|Statement of Copyright (CO1A)}} * {{::suspension_of_service_co1a.doc|Suspension of Service Policy (CO1A)}} **Building and Security**\\ \\ \\ **Business and Finance**\\ \\ \\ **Machine Processing/Lending**\\ \\ \\ **Patron Privacy**\\ \\ \\ **Program Policy** \\ \\ **Volunteer Policy**